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Canopy Parameters
Branching Parameters
Trunk Parameters
Trunk Color:
Gum leaves Leaves and flowers
Fir tree leaves Euclayptus leaves
Stippled leaves Spotted leaves
Long-pointy leaves Citrus leaves
Maple leaves Oak leaves
Fern leaves Cedar leaves
Palm frond Palm frond
Scots Pine leaves Conifer Pine leaves
Spruce leaves Palm frond
Shape Generator:
Surface Generator:
Polyhedra Type:
Geodesic Segmentation:
Trunk Color:

Edit Color




Projection (Shortcut keys: 1 to 6)



Displayed Dimension Units

This affects only the display of dimensions within the interface, all dimensions are stored in millimetres.

Displays dimension lines along the outer bounding extents of the tree.



Time Zone



This aim of this app is to generate reasonably configurable low-polygon parametric trees for use with BIM and building performance analysis. To be used effectively in any detailed analysis, tree geometry needs to be as simple and light-weight as possible, but still sufficiently configurable to reasonably represent the size, shape and shading effects of existing or future trees on a site. Also, the leaf canopy needs to be able to vary its colour and opacity across the year to properly represent the dynamic seasonal effects of deciduous trees that shed and then regrow their leaves annually.

Unfortunately there are very few tools available that can viably model or describe these dynamic seasonal shading effects, which in turn means that most building analysis software either ignore it or provide only limited means to deal with it. Thus, the hope is that having tools that make modelling and describing it relatively simple and straightforward may motivate more analysis tools to better support the dynamic shading effects of vegetation.

The app can generate both simple abstract geometric representations as well as much more realistic trees that use mapped textures to model the foliage (thanks to proctree.js - see Credits). Each procedural generator requires a fair number of controls for the various parameters that govern the results, so simple experimentation is the only real way to gain an understanding of what each one does. However, it is probably worth explaining some apsects of the geometric representation.

Geometric Representation

There are a number of ways you can generate natural-looking geometric canopy shapes. One is to use some standard polyhedon and subdivide their surfaces into triangular leaves. Another is to distribute random, semi-random and ordered points over a sphere and then connect those points into facets to form a surface. Alternatively, you can also use various spatial algorithms to calculate values in the cells of a 3D volumetric data grid and then generate the canopy as an iso-surface.

The most obvious way to create a surface from random points in space is to simply join them all together with triangles, which is exactly what the Delaunay Triangulation method does. Another way is to generate Voronoi Cells by joining the centers of each adjacent triangle to create more complex polygonal facets. A further method is to generate a Convex Hull from the points, which is essentially just wrapping them in a stretchy fabric such that only the outer-most points define the shape. On the other hand, an iso-surface shows the bounding volume for a given threshold within a spatially varying value.

  • Polyhedra
    Generates a range of polyhedra based on Platonic and Archimedean Solids, and then subdivides their surfaces into triangular leaves. As the subdivision is recursive, the total number of leaves can quickly blow out so the subdivisions are dynamically limited by face size and number. This means that the leaf count is stepped incrementally, so you may need to change the Leaf Count value a lot to see any changes.
  • Fully Random
    Generates a completely random set of azimuth and altitude values, except for the first five points which are distributed pseudo-randomly to form a basic octahedron between base and apex to ensure a reasonable shape even with only a very small number of points. This is controlled by the Leaf Count value.
  • Pseudo-Random
    Divides the sphere into roughly equal-area patches based on the Leaf Count or Azimuth/Altitude Band values, and then randomly locates a point within each patch.
  • Fibonacci Lattice
    This uses a Fibonacci spiral or lattice to distribute points from the apex down over the surface of a sphere. This is a surprisingly simple method, but seems to give the best approximation of equal-area subdivision than any other method I have found, and accurately represents the Leaf Count.
  • Geodesic Subdivision
    Divides the sphere into eight spherical triangles, then iteratively subdivides each triangle based on the square root of the Leaf Count or the given Geodesic Segmentation value. Geodesic subdivision occurs in incremental steps, so you may need to change the Leaf Count value a lot to see any changes.
  • Perlin Noise
    Generates a 3D volumetric grid based on the current canopy radius and height, and then uses a Perlin noise function to generate values in each cell. The canopy is then creating by determining the iso-surface at an appropriate threshold value. The resolution of the 3D grid is determined from the Leaf Count or Azimuth/Altitude Band values.
  • Metaballs
    Generates a 3D volumetric grid around a series of spherical 'clusters' of leaves within the canopy. Each spherical cluster, or metaball, represents a field of influence and the value at each grid cell is derived from the sum of all the influences within range. When two or more spherical fields are sufficiently close to each other, their field strengths combine in interesting ways. The resulting canopy is then created by determining the iso-surface at an appropriate field strength threshold value. The resolution of the 3D grid is determined from the Leaf Count or Azimuth/Altitude Band values.


I started out looking only at abstract geometric representations of tree geometry, but then discovered Paul Brunt's excellent proctree.js code, which generates much more realistic tree trunks and uses texture mapping for foliage. After implementing and exploring that for a while, and adding radial branching as well as forking and my own textures, I now think that there are applications for both styles of tree.

There are other tree generators out there, but they tend to focus more on realistic visualisation, texturing and rendering. There are not many tools that I could find for generating simple abstract geometry-only trees, other than more generic mesh editors which you can bend to that purpose. Also, I wanted to be able to deeply integrate parametric trees directly in my BIM tools as being able to accurately model site conditions goes a long way towards making an analysis model believable.

Thus, I really needed to write my own in order to strike the right balance between something that looks convincingly like a tree but is still simple to model and manipulate, and that matches the visual style of my building model editor.

Interesting Features

The following are some of this app's more interesting features:

  • You can use the Bushiness value to deconstruct the generated surface geometry into randomly perturbed facets that better visually simulate tree foliage,
  • To get a better feel for the size and scale of your tree, you can display a human form next to it by toggling the Human Scale button in the bottom left of the window. You can also choose to toggle external dimension lines in the same way,
  • When generating trees using metaballs, you can interactively click on any of the balls within the 3D model to select and dynamically edit them,
  • Making the volumetric iso-surface generation used in the Perlin noise and metaballs methods fast enough to support dynamic interactive manipulation was a pretty interesting challenge. Also, I chose to use Surface Nets instead of Marching Cubes for calculating the iso-surface as the resulting quads just look so much better than typical surface triangulation,
  • The use of Perlin noise to generate tree geometry has lots of potential, so it's worth spending a little time experimenting with different radial and spatial variations values,
  • I almost didn't include the Convex Hull method in the final tool as it seemed more suitable for rocks and stones that tree canopies. However, it does look pretty good when you use a high leaf density, high lumpiness and low spikeyness as it create large facets with soft edges.

© Dr. Andrew J. Marsh, 2019.

View Manipulation

You can interactively adjust the 3D view of the model using a mouse, pen or stylus, or by touch on a tablet or phone. You can also use the items in the 3D View Settings popup.

Drag with the left/right button or a single finger,
or use the arrow keys.
Drag with the middle button or two/three fingers,
or use the A and D keys.
Use the scroll wheel or pinch with two fingers,
or use the W and S keys.

NOTE: You can use the Shift and Ctrl/Meta keys to adjust the increment of each scroll event or key press.

Keyboard Modifiers

The Shift and Ctrl/Meta keys are used pretty extensively to modify interactive data entry. This applies to all increment buttons, scroll wheel motion, slider controls and input elements.

Shift Key:
Increases input to larger values, usually by ten times or significantly larger increments such as 1 month for dates and 1 hour for times.
Ctrl or Meta Key:
Decreases input to smaller values, usually by one tenth or the smallest reasonable increment such as 1 day for dates or 1 minute for times.

NOTE: You can use the scroll wheel to edit a data value when hovering over any slider, numeric input or even table rows that indicate their editibility.


This page uses the following frameworks/components:

Bootstrap  v3.3.2
Copyright © 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc. - github.com/twbs,
http://getbootstrap.com/   (LICENSE)

Bootstrap-popover-x  v1.4.0
Copyright © 2014, Kartik Visweswaran, Krajee.com,
https://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-popover-x   (LICENSE)

Isosurface Polygonizer  v1.0.0
Copyright © 2013 Mikola Lysenko - github.com/mikolalysenko,
https://github.com/mikolalysenko/isosurface   (LICENSE)

jQuery  v1.11.2
Copyright © jQuery Foundation and other contributors,
https://jquery.com/   (LICENSE)

JSON Editor
Copyright © 2015 Jos de Jong - github.com/josdejong
https://github.com/josdejong/jsoneditor   (LICENSE)

Copyright © 2011 Bruno Jouhier - github.com/Sage
https://github.com/Sage/jsurl   (LICENSE)

KnockoutJS  v3.2.0
Copyright © Steven Sanderson and the Knockout.js team,
http://knockoutjs.com/   (LICENSE)

Knockstrap  v1.2.0
Copyright © 2013 Artem Stepanyuk - github.com/faulknercs,
http://faulknercs.github.io/Knockstrap   (LICENSE)

Leaflet Maps API  v1.4.0
Copyright © Cloudmade, Vladimir Agafonkin - github.com/Leaflet,
https://leafletjs.com/   (LICENSE)

Mapbox Delaunator  v4.0.1
Copyright © Mapbox - github.com/mapbox,
https://mapbox.github.io/delaunator   (LICENSE)

OpenStreetMap Map Data
Copyright © OpenStreetMap contributors - openstreetmap.org,
https://www.openstreetmap.org/about   (LICENSE)

Copyright © 2012, Paul Brunt - github.com/supereggbert,
https://github.com/supereggbert/proctree.js   (LICENSE)

Copyright © 2014 Federico Zivolo - github.com/FezVrasta
http://fezvrasta.github.io/snackbarjs   (LICENSE)